Sat 25 May: Rebel Up double day, Camiozinzo (parc Allee du Kaai) in afternoon and DIY Day (BiestebroekBis) at night.

The CamioZinzo AKA Lucid soundsystem is once more released in the park of Allee du Kaai on Saturday, next to the Zinzinerie.

Rebel Up has been invited together with Le Grand Mechant Loop and Rafael Aragon for the occasion to make you dance on afrobeat, cumbia, ethno techno and other global styles all afternoon!

from 14h til 22h, FREE IN! bar with super democratic prices!
FB event

in the night, Rebel Up will play at the afterparty of DIY Day organised by De Toestand at the BiestebroekBis.

DIY Day is a 2 day festival about DIY culture, brocante, expo, workshops, concerts and so much more. Full programme on both days > FB event

During the afternoon and evening, great concerts by Ensemble Orient-Occident de Muziekpublique, La Clinik de Dr Poembak, Kumbelé, High Jinks Delegation and Azmari, followed by the afterparty with Borokov, Rebel Up, Pim Rose, Phonetics and Selim Dion.

FB event afterparty.

doors: 13:00
afterparty: 23:00
Dapperheidsplein 21, Anderlecht (Academy of Anderlecht, metro Saint Guidon)

Entrance: Free contribution!
-> All profits go to Toestand International and the project in Albania.

–> See you there ! And invite your friends !

Wed 15 May > Babylon Trio @ VK Concerts, Molenbeek Bxl

Hello folks,

On wednesday 15 may, Babylon Trio will play at the season ending evening of VK Concerts, before they will close for renovations and move in with Recyclart.

here the programme & timetable!

14:00 – 18:00 PLAY STREET

19:30 Bless the Ladies
20:30 Babylon Trio
21:30 Black Flower
22:30 Dj Wait&See

22:00 Assia MK
23:00 Pikaman & Dhazed
23:45 Beatsforbeaches

18:00 Magma
19:00 Laryssa Kim
Slam by Petit Jean and Tchainiz

FB event / website
@ VK, Sint-Jozefstraat 14 Rue Saint-Joseph

Sat 4 May double date: Rebel Up @ Open the Gate, Studio CityGate (Anderlecht) + Yoppeleyeppe fundraiser party, Au Quai (Molenbeek)

Rebel Up double date on saturday 4 May >

Starting at the Studio CityGate >
It’s open doors at the CityGate the whole weekend, free in and lots going on, from BBQ to open studios, expo, workshops, live painting to performances, and also live sessions by the Berlin & Israel based freejazz group Spiritczualic Enhancement Center, Daniel Dzidzonu and many deejays. Rebel Up will play a 1,5 hour global dj set from 23h til 0h30.

see the full programme in their FB event.
doors from 12h in afternoon
@ Studio CityGate, Petite Ile 1, Anderlecht

Afterwards Rebel Up SebCat will go & spin at the Yoppeleyeppe fundraiser party in Collectif Au Quai. Fundraiser for the yearly social camp & festival Borgofuturo in Italy.
During the party we will present “Borgofuturo Social Camp #3”, a 3 days gathering made of debates, workshops and live shows where people can meet, share ideas and imagine a more sustainable society.

They guide you into a multicultural psychedelic travel around electronic world music passing by different cultures and continents.

with live concerts by Bob Corn (IT), Lava Lamp (AR) and much more.
See all info in FB event.

doors 19h – 4am
@ Collectif Au Quai
Quai du Hainaut 23
1080 Molenbeek

weekend 27/28 April > Rebel Up @ Lenteluypaard #2 vinyl & clothing market, Allee du Kaai (Luypaard site) + Medex TDM183 Assiestes, Dancing Babylon evening, Schaarbeek + Brussels Soring Record Fair @ Kanal

hello all!

We hope you enjoyed the hot weather last weekend, big up thanks for coming to our wild global sounds evening at Listen Festival in VK Concerts, what a blast!

This weekend however, fresher times again, but also a good moment to get cosy inside and share the love for music, food and more.

First up, saturday afternoon til the late evening (or beyond) > De Toestand organises the Lenteluypaard #2 market, spring sale of vinyls & clothes + afterparty in the Luypaard building (next to Zinzinerie). Rebel Up label & distro will be there with 2 crates of good tunes, come and check it out!

from 14h till ?
Found out more in the FB event

Then in the evening, over to Schaarbeek in La Petite Maison close the Schaarbeek train station, the Dancing Babylon evening, part of the MEDEX Tour du Monde en 183 Assietes. A special Iraqi evening with food, concerts, dj’s, short movies, poetry, stories, expo, afterparty and more.

with concert by Iraqi musicians Saif Al-Qaissy (percussions) and Hussein Rassim (oud).

See full timeschedule in the FB event

Prix libre
Where? La Petite Maison, from 18h til 1am.
Rue Jan Blockx 22-24
1030 Schaarbeek

and on sunday afternoon, the Rebel Up disto will be at the Brussels Spring Record Fair in Kanal.

New & 2nd hand vinyl, mainly focused around Black Music (Soul, Funk, Blues, Jazz, Afro, Latino, Hip Hop, House) with some detours trough Pop and Rock by some sellers.
Also there will be a bike market. Free in!

all info > FB event

from 11h til 18h
@ Kanal Pompidou
Quai des Peniches

Sat 29 Oct > experimental evening by Rebel Up! & Lexi Disques @ NGHE Mediatheque with Porest (US/IR), Blood Stereo (UK), City Hands (NL) & Benjamin Franklin (Bxl)

14725767_1785415645009331_8060045096061241209_nOn Saturday 29 Oct, an experimental concert night in the NGHE mediatheque! Organised by NGHE crew, Rebel Up! & Lexi Disques.

From synthesizer sounds to global cut up music, weirdo pop and adventures in sound.

Porest (US/IR)
Mark Gergis is quite a catch; founder of the Sham Palace label, long time collaborator of Sublime Frequencies and member of disbanded Asian pop group Neung Phak. Porest is his post-globalized hate pop project, with cabalistic text-to-speech drama and violent tape music against soapbox anthems and swirling barbed-wire psychedelia that indulges in the trappings of art and politics. Listen here.
At 18h, he will show 3 short movies that he made in Syria, Cambodia and Southeast Asia, in true Sublime Frequencies style!

Blood Stereo (Brighton, UK)
The masked duo Karen Constance & Dylan Nyoukis explore hand-cranked 20th century technology in combination with epiglottal gymnastics and free music modes inherited as much from punk rock’s mutilated aesthetic as utopian art styles. Music here.

City Hands (NL)
Dutch sound artist Manuel Padding aka City Hands approach brings unexpected sounds, from calm atmospheres to trippy vibrations and even poetry. His narratives generally evoke a world where humans no longer prevail, a stream of words lurking into post-apocalyptic loneliness and colourful magic.

Benjamin Franklin (Bxl)
Casio keyboard player Benjamin Franklin puts out graceful and mysterious home-taped recordings of hypnotic melodies, sweet ballad and deviant pop. Perfect warmup sounds to gently shake body & mind.

> finishing at 22h30, so please come on time!
possibly there will some veggie food too for those who come early.

18h > 3 short films of Mark Gergis (Syria – Cambodia – Southeast Asia)
19h Benjamin Franklin
20h City Hands & Blood Stereo
21h Porest
ends at 22:30 >

We will continue the afterparty @ Via Via cafe (Quai aux Briques 74 / St Cat)
from 22:30 til 2:30, free in.
dj sets by Mark Gergis (Sublime Frequencies), Rebel Up! SebCat & Diego Armando.

FB event
6, Rue des Mariniers
1080 Molem

Sat 12 Sept; Rebel Up! SebCat @ Alternatiba festival, La Tentation, Bxl


This saturday & sunday > Alternatiba movement arrives in Brussels around Place St Catherine & La Tentation, 2 days of alternative ways to change the world for a better climate!

On saturday there´s a special FREE music night at La Tentation, also curated by the El Pulpo collective that Rebel Up! is part of.

Timings >
20h30: Moune
21h15: Tommygreen & The Blues Machine – Collectif El Pulpo
22h30: DJ Sebcat – Collectif El Pulpo
00h: DJ Bruselo

See FB event here, or check full programme on Alternatiba website.

22 Feb > You India Like? Rajasthan Street Music LP release party @ Studio Marcel, Brussels

you india like

A special night in Studio Marcel (Recyclart) this saturday 22 Feb >>>>>>  >>>> > > >>>>> > >

Our very own Rebel Up! SebCat will let us see contemporary street level India (Rajasthan) through his eyes but also through other eyes, through photographs, live movie clips and video clips. Rajasthan culture without the safe typecasted tourist view but roughly enhanced by encounters with locals, having stayed in their homes and villages and getting a close feel of their daily lives.


artwork of the Rajasthan Street Music double LP cover

The Indian streets are the main theme tonight, as this is also the release party of the double vinyl ‘Rajasthan Street Sounds’, recorded by Seb and just out now on the amazing outernational SUBLIME FREQUENCIES label. The sounds on this LP are sincere and filled with context by who sings & plays them > no big artists, but the Rajasthani street folk musicians who have a tough life and never get the right respect for their musical skills within their own society. These recordings were made in 2007 with folk musicians on the street or in their homes, on regional folk instruments such as ravannattah violin, kamaycha cello, ektara lute of morchang jewish harp.

a sufi & hindu spiritual concert by the Ali Kawa Brothers (Rajasthan) who hail from a musical family of Rajasthani master musicians from the pink city of Jaipur. On vocals, tabla and harmonium for a true feeling of the trancendental islamic & hindu reverence sound that can be heard allover Rajasthan

The whole night will be coloured with projections of photo’s by Seb Bassleer, David Tesinsky, Maarten Van Der Glas, Vanessa Verbeiren, Jet van Zwieten and Neire Le Neiro, as well as movie projections of road & music clips by Maarten Van Der Glas in a different room. There should be fresh chai and spicy fried snacks available for a real taste of the Indian streets,

+ Hellvete (BE)
Glen Steenkiste alias Hellvete is a member of psych outfit Sylvester Anfang II and also of the Kraak and Funeral Folk label. He draws influences from old folk music and drones to make hypnotic tapestries. Tonight he will play a special warmup drone-out set of multi-layered harmonium & sruti box airwaves beyond the realm of raga into eternal bliss.

+ Dj’s of the night > SebCat’s Maj Tahal (cassette folk, digital folkpop, Filmy discopop & cassettes from India) et DJ soFa (Bollywood, Kollywood & Lollwood reissues)

FREE IN!!!!!

FB event here

@ Studio Marcel (Recyclart)
Ursulinenstraat 13 > gallery on right side of the station!
1000 Brussel