Sat 25 May: Rebel Up double day, Camiozinzo (parc Allee du Kaai) in afternoon and DIY Day (BiestebroekBis) at night.

The CamioZinzo AKA Lucid soundsystem is once more released in the park of Allee du Kaai on Saturday, next to the Zinzinerie.

Rebel Up has been invited together with Le Grand Mechant Loop and Rafael Aragon for the occasion to make you dance on afrobeat, cumbia, ethno techno and other global styles all afternoon!

from 14h til 22h, FREE IN! bar with super democratic prices!
FB event

in the night, Rebel Up will play at the afterparty of DIY Day organised by De Toestand at the BiestebroekBis.

DIY Day is a 2 day festival about DIY culture, brocante, expo, workshops, concerts and so much more. Full programme on both days > FB event

During the afternoon and evening, great concerts by Ensemble Orient-Occident de Muziekpublique, La Clinik de Dr Poembak, Kumbelé, High Jinks Delegation and Azmari, followed by the afterparty with Borokov, Rebel Up, Pim Rose, Phonetics and Selim Dion.

FB event afterparty.

doors: 13:00
afterparty: 23:00
Dapperheidsplein 21, Anderlecht (Academy of Anderlecht, metro Saint Guidon)

Entrance: Free contribution!
-> All profits go to Toestand International and the project in Albania.

–> See you there ! And invite your friends !

Fri 8 March > Giraffes & Penguins Int. Women’s Day global party @ Au Quai, Bxl

This friday, during International Women’s Day >
Let’s celebrate all Giraffes & Penguins from Venus!

For this special night we’ll have a female DJ line-up with DJ Nadia Rodrigues (NL / Cabo Verde), Rrita Jashari (54KOLAKTIV), La Sirocco (Radio Panik), Rebel Up PussyCat, La Grande Méchante Louve, Tropical DJipsies & Maria Ilia (video mapping).

FB event

〰♀〰 DJ Nadia Rodrigues (NL / Cabo Verde) 〰♀〰
Pantropical resident DJ Nadia Rodrigues has been active in the Rotterdam Afro-scene for about seven years now. She switches effortlessly between sounds related to her Cape Verdean roots, Gqom, Afrohouse, and other styles.

〰♀〰 Rrita Jashari (54KOLAKTIV) 〰♀〰
Rrita Jashari is first and foremost a music-passionate-person. She’s been involved in musical projects and has been collecting vinyl for years now. Rrita is one of the founders of the Brussels based 54KOLAKTIV and 54 Sound, a Jamaican style handcrafted soundsystem. In her sets, she blends sounds from various eras and areas, ranging from experimental, ethnical and underground music to dancefloor hits or even more poppy music – all of this depending on her mood, the context, place, public and the things she’s been listening to in that specific phase of her life. As long as the music touches us and makes us groove… No music purism here!

〰♀〰 La Sirocco 〰♀〰
Chroniqueuse et programmatrice musicale à Radio Grenouille à Marseille puis Radio Panik à Bruxelles depuis une dizaine d’années, les sélections de La Sirocco naviguent entre afro, disco, hip-hop et bass music. Déhanchés assurés!

〰♀〰 Tropical DJipsies〰♀〰
The Tropical DJipsies are las chicas of Giraffes & Penguins – the Bulgarian, the Greek and the Portuguese that are always busy at the entrance, at the video mapping, on the dancefloor and more. Passionate about music, life, world and love, these party animals will kick off the party with a warm-up set that will take you through traditional and contemporary sounds from the four corners of the earth!.Get ready for oriental-gypsy-balkan-afro belly button shaking vibes!

〰♀〰 Maria Ilia (video mapping) 〰♀〰
Maria Ilia is a Greek Brussels-based freelance architect and visual artist.
Her experience in architecture came together with her passion for visuals to develop sophisticated and colorful video mapping on handmade structures for events and festivals. Over the last year she’s been a close and frequent collaborators of both Giraffes & Penguins and Global Hybrid Records.

your hosts: Rebel Up PussyCat & Le Grand Mechant Louve.

FB event

22h – 4h30
@ Au Quai
Quai du Hainaut 23

Entrance 5€ (CASH ONLY) /// Doors 10pm
Next to Dépôt Design and MIMA
Metro 1/5 >> Comte de Flandre / Graaf van Vlaanderen
Tram 51 >> Porte de Flandre / Vlaamse Poort