On Friday we organise our 1st big Giraffes & Penguins party again since +2 years in the VK Vaartkapoen venue in Molenbeek. An Arab Bass night with artists from the Maghreb, Syria and Brussels.
We have a great lineup for you, with live sets by 2 special guests Rizan Said (keyboard player & composer of Omar Souleyman / Syria) and the percussive electronics by NURI (Tunisia / Shouka label). Also dj sets by local spinners Hiskhek Bishek, Tropical DJipsies, Rebel Up SebCat and Le Grand Mechant Loop as well as visuals by VJ Jan Vorst.
It will be a wild night and deep dive into the large pool of electronic arabic worldwide sounds.
Get your ticket in presale and skip the queue: 8€ Otherwise it’s 11€ at the door and possible queues.
Doors 21H Rizan Said live set around 23h, so get in on time!
On Saturday 28th, Rebel Up & Friends for the Brussels Jazz Weekend at the Reservoir bar in the Marolles.
2 levels of DJ’s in the bar & basement, vinyl and digital alike. with special guest DJ Eggs Legs from Brighton (UK), band leader of King Lagoon’s Flying Swordfish Dance Band and who will play a live DJ set w/ percussion. Joined by Freedo Figh & Roza (54K Sound), Didi (Tropical DJipsies), RaQL and SebCat.
Tonigh Rebel Up SebCat is spinning global sounds on the old Asiat factory summer terrace in Vilvoorde for Openingsweekend Zomer Van Asiat with Niveau.Nihil of Vol Tapijt. FREE IN FB event
Islam Chipsy and his band EEK are a three-way force of nature from Cairo, Egypt described by those who’ve been caught in the eye of their storm as one of the most exciting live propositions on the planet. At the core of the group lies electro chaabi keyboard pioneer Islam Chipsy, whose joyous, freewheeling sonic blitz warps the standard oriental scale system into otherworldly shapes, as flanked by Mohamed Karam and Mahmoud Refat raining down a percussive maelstrom behind dual drum kits.
21:00 doors / Rebel Up dj-set 22:00 Islam Chipsy & EEK 23:00 Rebel Up! dj-set
this saturday 5 Dec, our friends of Drache Musicale (Radio Panik) are organising a fun & FREE global night @ café Le Louvre at the Parvis of St Gilles.
special guest is our friend Boris Viande, better known as a super good electro-balkan producer! He runs the VLAD Ghetto Folk label and plays live trumpet during his live & dj sets!
support by Rebel Up & Drache Musicale dj’s, yeah! 🙂
oh yeah, Friday the 13th!
Black cats and all… and a very good underground party @ Recyclart too!
Far from the current Ayatollah Oriental fashion, which flood us with Orientalist and post-colonial clichés, Arabstazy is the action that created its own movement. The collective was founded in 2013 by a handful of artists spread across Tunis, Paris and Berlin, they organize their independence by starting to organise their own parties and edit their tracks on their home label Shouka (*thorn* in Arabic). They establish unthinkable links between different pieces of the puzzle of the North African identity, moving smoothly to esoteric Sufi Stambeli possessions … Thus, in the hands of this young Franco-Tunisian collective the united spirit of North African trance is fully expressed. At their parties, eclectic artists such as SKNDR, Tropikal Camel, Wetrobots N3rdistan were all part of the amazing Project Chaos made in Tunis. True to their taste for dark superstitions, Friday the 13th they will tread the soil of BXL for the first time. They are missioned by their guru Mettani 滅, producer Deena Abdelwahed, female VJ Waf and shaman Tropikal Camel, who just released his 11th album on Shouka in K7 format.
A night for musical visionaries who want to explore Arabic electronic sounds, beyond Acid Arab.
Mettani滅 the guruof the Arabstazy collective. His liveperformancesare inspired byNorth Africanhealing rituals, andmake the link betweenmysticaland animistpossessiontrance.His soundis dark andorganic, mixing oddpolyrhythms with vibrantmelodies.Heinvites you toexplore theflip sideof your soul.Coming from thenoiserock scene, he uses hisvoice as raw material with which he sculpts his sound aided by various electronic andanalogueinstruments.
DeenaAbdelwahed Works hard toinject adose of innovationand experimentationinto electronic musicin Tunisia.Part of theTunisianalternative scene, she combinesurban rhythmsto her personal taste and brings highly energeticavant-garde musicthat is regarded asthe futureof Tunisianelectronic music. In 2014, shewas discoveredby thecollectiveArabstazy and ever since she has becomethe prophetess.
Tropikal Camel
Born in Jerusalem and where he grew up, Roi Assayag has lived in Berlin since 2013. His new project is the musical exploration of his own Arab roots. From Kurdistan to Iraq, passing through Morocco, he takes us on the journey of conscience, through the limbo of his fragmented identity. Performer and MC extraordinary, his live sets are an experience that will leave you deeply transformed.
Wafa Benromdhan aka VJ WAF
Uses videos and photos to embody her thoughts, emotions and to translate questions. Driven by a desire to treat the idleness of sensible beings to create chronic heterotopias at her disposal, she gradually opens a creative future that puts the scenography at the center of her research. The visual soul of Arabstazy since its creation, she is also part of other projects such as Wafolyv and Planningtorock.
Rebel Up! DJ’s resident DJ’s of the Nightshop parties. Tonite they will explore the past & future of the Northern African & Arab world in full sound, warming up & closing down.
This wednesday Rebel Up! plays a global middle eastern dj set at the STUK art centre in Leuven as part of the season opening festival STUK Start.
with a live show by Egyptian artist Maurice Louca from Cairo, who mixes electro chaabi, Arabic folklore and electronica into an experimental modern Arabic sound. support by Numen, a Belgian duo who make electronic music with eastern influences.
Sadly, this is our LAST EVER party night at De Vinger, as it soon will be closed and demolished, what a shame 🙁
We will be joined by our new Rebel Up! member DJ DUCKFOOD who will Heat Up the dancefloor for you to freely run, jive, and just dance for the hell of it. As usual, expect a fine Rebel Up! mix of old and gritty tunes with newer weirder than ever music from all around the globe: Calypso, Soukouss, Cumbia, Desert tunes and other genres in the making.
The entrance fee should be 3€ but it can also be more if you feel like helping out this bar De Vinger which as always intended to be just an open stage for young and less young local and international artists. Just providing what has become a rarity in Den Haag : a venue for alternative music.