Rebel Up action for the weekend!
This friday 15.10 at the closing party of Festival Resistencia Indigena at Casa Nicaragua in Liege! Organised by Indentité Amerique Indienne asbl with a focus on indigenous cultures in Latin America.
From 16h onwards there are workshops and expositions zapatista, dinner at 18h and at 20h concerts by the bands Tropicant and Tambor Caraibe.From 23h the afterparty will kick off with Dj sets by Baylena Selektah, Rebel Up SebCat and Le Grand Mechant Loop.
All info here or here.
@ La Casa Nicaragua
Rue Pierreuse 23 – 4000 Liège

On saturday 16.10 Rebel Up SebCat & Fresh Nunas will play global sounds at Antidote from 22h to 2h30
Before there is a concert next door at Volta by The Oneironauts x Roselien, good combo!
Plus there is food at Antidote, from pasta to pizza.
Rue de la Petite ile 1A
1070 Anderlecht