Hello all, Are you doing well, moving enough and catching some sun?
Saturday 23.05 > Rebel Up Global Sessions livestream Day #6 already! with DJ;’s Motacilla (Bxl), Mushug of Octa Push (Lisboa) and Giraffes & Penguins special with Ani of Tropical DJipsies and Le Grand Mechant Loop! From 20 til a bit after midnight.
On saturday, the return of El Pulpo collective with Rebel Up in La Tentation. A very special Afro Latino concert & party night with an Afro Portuguese touch, with the band Ussu N’Djai & The New Balansa from Guinee Bissau/Senegal/Amsterdam and producer/DJ Pigmaliao from Brasil and more surprises.
Pigmalião (BR)
Pigmalião is the materialization of the reference from the label Frente Bolivarista and remains in constant transformation alongside the label release narrative. Frente Bolivarista has made a stellar rise over the past year to be one of the labels to watch for the future of Latin America music. Brazilian musical legacy has always seemed somewhat set apart from the rest of the continent but the label, alongside the growing links between booming São Paulo and Buenos Aires, Quito or Lima shows that the tide is changing. It is indeed the becoming, and going even further than, the musical version of Bolivar’s dream: a global collaboration of new, inter infected, border hopping sounds shaping the future of Latin American music. https://soundcloud.com/piglion https://soundcloud.com/frentebolivarista https://frentebolivarista.bandcamp.com/
On Friday 17th Rebel Up! helps organising a very special night at Recyclart during the always amazing Holidays festival.
as the title says > Puxa: Luso African Dance Night stands for a night filled with African dance music from the Lusophone countries such as Angola and Cabo Verde with styles like Semba, Funaná and more. Expect some serious tropical sounds impossible not to dance to.
‘Puxa’ means ‘pull’ in Portuguese (and not ‘push’ as would seem logical) and is used as a musical shout to pull your dance partner closer to you. Be ready to hear Puxa! night long!
Live concerts by Chalo Correia and Band from Angola via Lisboa, Tabanka from Cabo Verde via Rotterdam and the Celeste Mariposa dj’s from Lisboa.
Chalo Correiais Gonçalves António Correia, an Angolan musician and singer who grew up with Semba music in his blood. Chalo was born in Luanda, the capital of Angola, in 1968. During his boyhood he was fortunate to encounter musicians from revolutionary semba bands like Os Merengues, and Os Kiezos. He moved to Lisboa, Portugal in the beginning of the 90s and started to learn the classical guitar on autodidact and academic level with a strong will to make it by playing vintage Angolan music. His debut album ‘Kudihohola’ has just been released in June by Celeste/Mariposa Discos and is testimony to the development of his remarkable vision on Angolan music. Chalo Correia as a band retains the explosive, organic sounds of Semba and Rebita, but also remains in touch with the modern urban afro music scene in Lisbon. Semba is the swinging afro style from Angola, it comes from the word Masemba, which means ‘belly bumping’, a reference to some serious tight dancing. It’s the original base for styles like Brazilian Samba, Kizomba, Rebita, Kazukuta and it inspired the birth of urban Kuduro sound. Check his new video below for that sweet Semba sound.
Tabanka is a 7 piece Cabo Verdian band from Rotterdam, playing the fast swinging funaná music, thé dance sound of Cabo Verde. Their delirious funaná is ruled by the diatonic accordeon (gaita) and the ferrinho (metal stick) for some scraping rhythms and changing speeds. The group got its inspiration by generational musicians such as Bulimundo and Américo Brito but with their own modern interpretation and sound. Check it out! >
TheCeleste / Mariposadj duo run the famous Afro-Baile dance nights in Lisboa where they bring the Lusophone music culture together in sound. Their research is all about music from the former African Portuguese colonies; Angola, Kaapverdië, Guinee Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tomé & Principé, digging up old vinyls on markets and visiting studio’s in Lisboa. They just started their own label Celeste Mariposa Disco’s on which they released Chalo Correia and for sure more Luso African releases will follow! Want to see how special they make it happen on their night? Check this video >
More african tunes from the Lusophone countries by Rebel Up!SebCat vs Planet Ilunga
Listen here to our latest Rebel Up Nightshop summer episode to hear all about the night > Semba, Funaná and Chalo Correias album!