On saturday evening, Rebel Up, Giraffes & Penguins & Tropical DJipsies at the Experignon mapping installation at Skatepark Ursulines at Place de la Chapelle / Kapellekerk, during Bright Brussels festival of Light.
A live video mapping performance by Maria Ilia, on a large scale mapping installation, that flows in harmony with the sounds of a thoughtfully selected line-up, invites the greater public of Brussels to experience a festive atmosphere during the 4 evenings of Bright Brussels Festival of Lights!
Join us for a Rebel Up Records saturday at APERODROOM SEE U from 2pm. Relaxing time around our guinguette & food trucks. Album release party of “Awakening Spirits” by Tropikal Camel.
Tropikal Camel (IS / Berlin Arabstazy) Special guest is Tropikal Camel who will live present his new album “Awakening Spirits”, released just before summer on Brussels label Rebel Up Records. The new urban sound of Middle Eastern/North African futurism, an original fusion between traditional Arabic music with cutting edge electronic sounds. It is a quest for a new identity, one which has been released by colonialist thinking. One that has respect to the past but with heads up to the future, urban but tribal, dramatic but minimal, full of contradictions but keeping the balance. Electronic music that has a meaning and a story. https://tropicalcamel.bandcamp.com/album/awakening-spirits https://soundcloud.com/tropikalcamel https://www.rockybb.org/ Interview + mixtape on Tsugi blog (in French) > http://tiny.cc/qq72bz
“Awakening Spirits” will be on sale during the event as normal & colour vinyl edition (15/20€), cassette (8€) and digital download codes (5€), CHOICE!
Tropical DJipsies (Brussels) They united their feminine forces just before the International Women’s Rights Day. This mysterious female quartet has members from various countries and are part of the Brussels global underground attached to local crews like Giraffes & Penguins, Rebel Up and MEDEX. Global dancefloor sounds from all corners of the world, from feminist to activist songs and just pure global beat bangers, attached to their own southern roots and backgrounds as well as sounds from other continents.
Rafael Aragon (Tropikal Masala / Global Hybrid Records, Brussels) Tropikal Masala’s co-founder and resident, member of the Global Hybrid collective, nomadic dj, skilled producer, superb remixer and avid globe-trotter Rafael Aragon provides a wide range of global electronic sounds, an avalanche of sweaty psychotropical waves, voodoo percussions and trippy oriental house stompers. https://soundcloud.com/rafiralfiro