In the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes in the High Atlas region of Morocco, we will run a fundraiser relief action at Rebel Up for the next 2 weeks.
All digital purchases of below mentioned releases will be donated to the NGO Karama Solidarity, who are based here in Molenbeek around the block from where we are based. Karama means ‘dignity’ in arabic. The NGO is run by Brussels Moroccan citizens and volunteers and is active in Morocco and in the regions that have been hit the hardest.
Donations will be used to help victims in Morocco meet the most urgent needs immediately detected on the ground by Karama’s teams. Currently, the victims need medical care, food but also resettlement. Hundreds of thousands of Moroccans of all ages no longer have a roof over their heads and have lost all or part of their families. Karama prefers purchases made locally, which require less logistics than imports and are less expensive and which also help the local economy.
The 3 releases where the digital proceeds will be donated to Karama >>>
Cheb Runner – Tagnawit, the electronic gnawa EP by Moroccan producer Cheb Runner from Agadir with the Brussels gnawa maalem masters Driss Filali and Hicham Bilali. Last week, we found 10 last vinyl copies of Tagnawit tucked away in our stock. Better be quick to order as these are really the last vinyls! Also we lowered the price for the digital EP to 3€, but paying more is very much appreciated for this fundraiser action.
The Marockin Brass project by Luc Mishalle, with Moroccan, Benin and Brussels musician focusing on gnawa and jazz. We lowered the price of the digital album to 4€, paying more is again very much appreciated. Also we lowered the prices for the vinyl to 8€ and the CD for 6€.
The Rebel Up summer tour has started, all summer long!
Rebel Up DJ’s SebCat & Duckfood and our label artists Memo Pimiento and Babylon Trio will be touring around Europe and even Northern Africa this summer, playing parties, concerts and festivals. So far in 7 countries! > Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Croatia and Morocco. see you around!
This thursday 30 june, Rebel Up! will be playing once again at Amsterdam Roots Festival, this time at the grand Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ. *A remix of modern en traditional music from Marrakech* is the theme of the night, hosted by Rest Is Noise, What Design Can Do & Rebel Up! as part of the Amsterdam Roots festival, with special international Moroccan guests Officerfishdumplings and Dakka Chrafoo. Much to look forward to!
Behind the pseudonymofficerfishdumplings is the Moroccan-American musician, DJ and multimedia artist Hatim Belyamani. He is the founder of remix <- -> culture, an art collective that connects traditional music to digital remix art. Officerfishdumplings is the musical expression of this collective and what Belyamani does is quite original. In search of his property and the Moroccan musical roots he regularly travels to Morocco to record local groups.With this raw material he creates his amazing audio visual remixes.
The Dutch-Moroccan percussion group Dakka Chrafoo plays traditional music from Marrakech. They play Dakka Marrakchia: a popular music with lots of upbeat percussion, punishment clapping and piercing wind.
The DJs of RebelUp! will frame the musical evening with catchy pearls from the ‘rougher sounds from the global underground.