To celebrate the International Women’s Rights Day, Rrita Jashari (VK) and Diana Barreto (Tropical DJipsies) programme & curate a special ALL FEMALE night in VK Vaartkapoen.
20:00 – Doors open! come early and enjoy dinner and magic…
African dinner by Cafe Congo, massages by the hands of Angélique , caravan Meditative Makeup, Le Pornomatic!, creative photo activities by Oiseaux Sans Tête, documentaries by 40Braids,activist concer & stand by Collecti.e.f 8 maars …
21:30 – 22:00 TSouKina (live concert of Brussels female Gnawa group)
22:00 – 23:30 Tropical DJipsies (Giraffes & Penguins / Rebel Up / Festa Afro Tuga)
23:30 – 00:30 La Sirocco (Radio Panik)
00:30 – 02:30 M I M I ( Lait de Coco / The Word) b2b Rrita Jashari (54kolaktiv / Kiosk Radio / VK)
02:30 – 04:00 Nidia Minaj (PT / Príncipe Discos)
Incredible video mapping by Maria Ilia and live dancers on stage throughout the night!
FB event / VK website for presale tickets!
This event is part of ‘Intersections’, presented by Psst Mlle in various venues allover Brussels on 7 + 8 March.
Intersections, as in the circuit between six venues.
Intersections, as in the intersectionality feminism needs so bad.
Intersections, as in the mix between music genres.
Intersections, as in the connection between female programmers.
from 20h til 4am
@ VK Vaartkapoen
Rue de Manchester 13-15