Thu 26 June > Rebel Up! SebCat @ Recyclart Holidays, Bxl

Yo Brussels!


It´s that fun time again, Recyclart Holidays festival starts this week, the best local festival of Brussels with alternative culture, art and community activities every thursday & friday that will run until 1st of August.  The workshops will start again this thursday on the outdoor square, Pain Publik; the public oven, grilled bites at the BBQ and much more. So why even leave on holidays if you can stay your own city?

On this first Holidays In Vitro evening of the summer our Rebel Up! SebCat will be teaming up with eclectic global dj Duckfood from Rotterdam for some global sound trips from 19:00 – 22:00 while the BBQ will be sizzling with tasty bites.

and also from 22:00 the South Korea – Belgium world cup match will be shown on big screen outdoor on the square, for a good alternative viewing in the setting sun.

Directly followed by a live concert of La Fanfare De Belgistan in the big room of Recyclart, who will bring a mix of ethio jazz, funk, gnawa and balkan styles all mashed together in the unique Belgistan sound >

and ofcourse, it’s all free in like every thursday during the Holidays festival!
more info here (NL) or here (FR).