Place to be: Studio CityGate cultural creative hotspot near Gare du Midi. Rue de la petite île 1A – 1070 Anderlecht (Metro: Gare du Midi – Bus: 78 Deux Gares – Tram 81 : Avenue du roi or Cureghem ; Tram 82 : Suède)
Africa Negra in Brussels!
The legendary Sao Tomé band, only show in Belgium @ Muziekpublique.
The band is extremely renowned in the lusophone African countries and its worldwide diaspora, be it Europe or North and South America (Colombia especially!), and are loved for their own inimitably guitar based style of heavenly mellowed São Tomé Rumba, Soukous or Socopé, with blissful hints of Highlife. Their first three records are highly sought after by record collectors and unsung gems of african insular music. If you are not familiar with it, here are a few of their classics of our own choice > Carambola, Que Santomé, Nao Nao Senhor.
They have undergone through several different formations; but never really stopped and their current formations includes three members from the early days (the charismatic lead singer João Seria, lead guitar player Leonildo Barros and bass guitarist Albertino). In 2014 they celebrated their 40th anniversary and that brought the band back to their brother country of Portugal for a few performances (Lisbon at Club B’leza and FMM Festival in Sines), something which hadn’t happened since the early 80’s as well as a historical first appearance at in Berlin at the Weltmusik Festival. They had never played outside of Portugal before; even if they kept busy in their home country. Here the video of their performance on national television.
We made a special Rebel Up edit for this concert, check it here and free to download! 🙂
finally it’s there after several attempts: our Congolese Rumba Special night on Saturday 24 august.
A whole night filled with marvelous vintage rumba & soukous sounds from Congo!
We’ll have 2 bands playing live on stage to fully lose yourself in this addictive rumba rock sound. Here the roll down > > >
Yan Koy & Kolor Rumba (CO/BE) (on poster)
This Congolese band from Brussels will play vintage Congolese rumba soukous songs from the 60’s to 80’s, led by vocalist Yan Koy along with master members such as Petit Poisson, Pappy Muntu, Alonzo Baba and several others who played in famous Congolese bands such as Franco’s OK Jazz, Zaiko Langa Langa and Ndombe. In a 2 hour live set they will play classic rumba songs and take you into the Congolese underbelly of tropical rock with psychedelic guitar solo’s, hypnotising percussion and polyphonic vocals. Not to be missed!
Orch. TP Jean Mikili (BE)
Belgian trio from Brussels that specialises in Congolese rumba with fresh indierock while keeping it real for all to swing and shuffle along to. It’s gonna be *Tout Puissant* for sure as perfect warm-up to Color Rumba!
dj’s Rebel Up! & friends
swinging African & latino sounds before & after the bands.
Profits on the night will go to Women’s Initiative for Gender Justice, a NGO fighting for the change of mentality for governments that consciously leave open sexual crimes unpunished. For more info about this organization, go to or their twitter account @4GenderJustice.
Doors will already open at 22:00.
As we have 2 bands playing live, it´s 5€ in before 23:00h, but 7€ afterwards, so come early!