wed 23 + thu 24 october Rebel Up! in Brussels

hey folks,

busy times at Rebel Up!, as one of our crew members will be representing Rebel Up! at the Womex world music expo in Cardiff and playing some sets in Bristol. But thankfully Rebel Up! Leblanc is there to cover and take over Rebel Up! duties.
This wednesday evening 23rd it’s time for another KK World evening at the KultuurKaffee. Afro-Canadian/Haïtian singer Spaïcy will come and give her soul jazz and african creole spheres. Free in, doors open from 20:00. Check all the info here.

and the day after on thursday evening our good friends of Orchestre du Mont-Plaisant will be playing at the Bonnefooi. Expect some great oriental soundtracks, ethiopian psychedelic funk and Italian giallo cinema funk. Check Bonnefooi’s FB event for info. Free in as usual, so all to win 🙂


Upcoming Rebel Up! agenda next week > > > > > > > >
sat 26 Oct > Rebel Up! Leblanc @ De Charlatan, Gent
thu 31 Oct > Rebel Up! @ Radio Panik 30 years anniversary * global soiree*, Espace Senghor, Etterbeek

Thu 16 May; Rebel Up! dj’s @ Citylicious heART party, KultuurKaffee VUB campus, Bxl *Free in*

art beats lang


This thursday night we’re dj-ing global roundtripping sounds all night at the Citylicous heART party in KultuurKaffee on the VUB campus in Etterbeek.
During the day, some street artists will brighten up the campus.
In the evening you can enjoy a real variety show in ‘het KultuurKaffee’.
Immerse yourself in a world of music, poetry and comedy and finish the evening with the wonderful rhythms of world music.
Let the heARTbeats begin, It’s going to be CITYlicious!

Here’s the schedule >


12:00 – 15:00 –Straatanimatie en muziek op de campus in Etterbeek-
20:00 – 22:30 -Variété avondshow in het KultuurKaffee- FREE IN!
20:00 – Stand up comedian Robby Petit
20:35 – Roos! (music)
21:25 – Gerrit De Feyter – Illusion of Purity (English poetry against taboos)
21:45 – Nesra (rap)
23:00 till very late  -Afterparty with Rebel Up!


for all info, see FB event.

wed. 30 november Rebel Up! dj’s @ KK World w/ Karikatura & Jupiter Diop – KultuurKaffee, Bxl

This wednesday, a nice midweek evening in Brussels at KultuurKaffee with 2 worldly bands and the Rebel Up! dj’s playing global tunes before/inbetween & after for your enjoyment.

The ensemble Karikatura from Brooklyn, NY, plays a dance mix of gypsy latin and reggae styles with heavy funk influences.

Jupiter Diop & Ma Shi Fai hail from Senegal but live in Brussels since many years where they spread their musical message of protest. Pure African reggae in rastafari mood!

Come if you like! for more info see FB event or below on KK site.

KultuurKaffee @ VUB university campus
21:00 – midnight