This Friday & Saturday will be Deli Teli’s first time playing in Belgium!
Friday in Antwerpen at Costa (CC Sint Andries), warmup support by Rebel Up Sebcat & greek vinyl afterparty with Fred Kramer of Souma Records.
FB event here.
Doors 20h, concert 21h, 5€ in
@ Costa CC Sint Andries
Sint Andriesplaats 24

On Saturday, it’s Forest Sounds festival again in the cosy green Abbaye de Forest.
An amazing lineup with Crolles, Meril Wubslin, Black Flower, Songo, Lou K, Amami, Meridian Brothers and more on the Antitapas and Brass stages. Also a DJ stage by Kiosk Radio via ABY buvette with DJ’s Monstera Occulta, Fred Kramer, Prins Zonder Carnaval, DJ Backstabber, Sylvia, Rebel Up Records B2B Bongo Joe Records and XOGN.
See timetable below!

It’s free in but you need to reserve here.
all info at website or FB event
From 14h until midnight,
@ Abbaye de Forest
tram 82 or train Forest Est