Hey all,
Happy new 2010!
and yes, after A’dam & Utrecht, we’re also gonna start focussing on Brussels in 2010, and what more may come from it in Belgium or beyond!
This night will moreless be the start of our bimonthly nights in Brussels (Sat. 16th of april will be our first Rebel Up! party @ Recyclart)
Perhaps slightly different than our not-so-average Rebel Up! nights, this Climate Jockey night will be very heavy on global bass spheres. As we are starting the night with first sounds, we’ll do our best to heat up the floor with some tropical, sensual, tickling tunes from allover the globe.
We’re really proud to again play with our friend Hugo Douster from Lyon, who played with us in Utrecht last year. He sure will butter & fire up the dancefloor with his special style of tropical-rootsical bass selections, electronic body music with a tropical virus! His good friend Baxter Beez will play a similar crash course in bassheavy styles from the tropics. Further into the night, locally famed Brussels partycrasher DJ Lowdjo will spin his eclectic selections from everywhere.
And what’s best; the Climate Jockey’s are real jockey’s like dj/vj’s, except that they play with the climate on the dancefloor! The French Piedlabiche art collective from Lyon has made a special climate machine where they can produce & control climate elements such as wind, tropical heat, rain, mist, storm, humidity and whatnot! They will *mix* the climate along to the tunes played by all the artists, how cool/hot is that! 🙂
see more info @ www.recyclart.be (only in dutch/french though)