Satanique Samba Trio: it’s not really a trio and they don’t play samba but they are quite satanic…. this mythical Brazilian band from the capital Brasilia performs funny, pertinent and surprising sound collages, an ongoing investigation into the aesthetic deconstruction of Brazil’s most popular musical traditions.
Friday September 13th, 2019 will be remembered in Music History for the release of their new 10inch vinyl “Mais Bad”, a conceptual sequel of the 2015 release “Mó Bad”. “Mais Bad” is a new collection of low fidelity bagatelles, forged into existence by Satanique Samba Trio’s thirst for aesthetical deconstruction. All instruments in this 10-track vinyl have been recorded with the same cheap cell phone from the early 2000’s. It is meant to sound desperate, harsh and absolutely surreal. A little over the top, maybe? Yeah, but hey: that’s just how a country in crisis should look and sound like. Right?
Listen here to “Mais Bad” on our Bandcamp, and see new videoclip below, warning: graphic medical images 🙂
20:30 Doors
21:30 Satanique Samba Trio
23:00 Rebel Up DJ SebCat
Info > website / FB event
@ Recyclart
Rue de Manchester 13-15
1080 Molem