This wednesday evening, NGO Amigos de Moçambique invite you all to come and dance to Lusophone African music served by Rebel Up DJ’s Sebcat & LeBlanc and DJ Mukambo with live percussion by Rojah Lao.
There will also be a photo & art exhibition, plenty of drinks and room to talk about what happened in Mozambique. The evening starts at 20h with a drink and the vernissage of the expo.
FB event
entry: 10 €
All revenue will go to an association in Beira (Mozambique) to help rebuild the country after the devastating floods & winds caused by cyclone Idai.
Help the victims of the cyclones in Mozambique. Come with lots of friends.
If you can’t come you can still help financially to: BE53 3101 6265 6053 in the name of asbl/vzw Amigos de Moçambique.
Muito obrigada. Kanimambo. Ko shoukoura!
@ Platform241
Rue Royale 241,
1210 Brussels