Hello Brussels rebels,
If you have not yet been to the refugee camp at Parc Maximilien (Gare du Nord), do visit and feel welcome to help out if you have some free time. Volunteers are always needed for many different things, from kitchen to cleaning to construction to animation. Check the Platforme Citoyenne De Soutien Aux Refugies Bruxelles on Facebook.
This saturday evening Rebel Up! is helping with organising a musical evening for & by the musicians of the refugee camp (from Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Eritrea etc), followed by a afterparty with music from the camp inhabitants. See FB event here.
We are still looking for instruments to borrow; especially percussion, keyboards, djarbouka´s or Arab instruments such as Oud lutes etc. Also microphones, stands and cables are in high demand. And on friday or saturday we need some help constructing a small stage as well, so join up if you like. contact us at rebeluppa -at- gmail.
From 18 – 21h concerts / jam
from 21 – 23h DJ afterparty > with dance music selections by the youths of the camp
Please share this in your networks and feel welcome to see the musicians of the camp perform!!!
On Sunday there is the Car-Free Sunday in all of Brussels and let’s celebrate that with music and bike action.
In Schaarbeek at Avenue Louis Bertrand (next to Parc Josaphat), there will be the *Schaarbeek Village* street party with concerts, theatre, food, repair café, Pro velo, workshops and green infostands. Between all this, dj sets by Rebel Up! SebCat, Jean Mikili & Matamore.
From 10 – 17h
with live sets by Velotronix (2 shows at 13 – 15h)
Human Jukebox (at 12h in front of café le Barboteur and 14h at l’Espérance)
Theatre D’un Jour (at 12 and 16h)
La Boite a Luciole (various shows between 10-17h)
and much more!
More info > Schaarbeek Village or La Carotte asbl.
and straight after at 17:00, another DJ party at the Refugee Camp at Parc Maximilien, again with folk dance selections played by the refugees. Last night was just amazing, such a wild party atmosphere and after this session we just need to do a 2nd session.
From 17:00 til 20:00. Be there if you care.
FB event.