Monday 8 March > International Women’s Rights Day livestream, all female lineup @ Julie Menuge Textile Design, Marolles Bxl

on the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day *, Rebel Up, Tropical DJipsies, Sahara Kitchen, Giraffes & Penguins & Julie Menuge Textile Design are organizing a “Super Mix Veritable” livestream from the window at the Julie Menuge shop, with D’s & artists.

With Tropical DJipsies duo, Raquel Almeida, Heal Estate, Strike Sister choir and Estelle Baldé (live set songwriter), from 13H – 19H30

@ Rue Blaes 154 (close to Place Jeu des Balles / Vossenplein)
livestreaming via:

See all info & timings in the event.

If you come to the shop, please respect the COVID measures