We didn’t want to end 2018 without seeing your smiles & crazy steps on the dancefloor once more!
With this special Xmas afro edition, Giraffes & Penguins would like to support the super nice project Jouwaii Traditional African Games Festival, that aims at gathering people of different Brussels communities around traditional African games. Therefore we’ll move to the African heart of Brussels for a day & night of African games and music!
15h – 20h (FREE IN) >> Introduction to traditional African games + masks & games diy workshops with the Jouwaii Traditional African Games Festival crew, for young & old alike. More details here.
From 22h – 5am (5€ – cash only) >> Giraffes & Penguins African party in the main room with Rafael Aragon, Rebel Up SebCat, Le Grand Méchant Loop & Maria Ilia (video mapping) + acoustic reggae concert by Touko Sari + Jouwaii Traditional African Games Festival in the bar until 2am.
See you there, for one last party before the holidays!
FB event
chaussee de Wavre 78, Matonge (Ixelles)
Metro >> Porte de Namur / Naamsepoort
Bus 71 >> Matonge
Bus 38 >> Trône / Troon
All benefits of this event will go to the Jouwaii growfunding campaign. If you also want to help or contribute, check here: https://www.growfunding.be/fr/bxl/jouwaiii