Sun 2 July > Last Call Tenace @ Tenace Boat, Bxl

Final party of the Tenace boat in Brussels!!

from 14-18h:
thé dansant with female DJ’s only!
DJ Cecilia Yzarra (Peru)
DJ Zoë McPherson (Empty Taxi, Bxl)
DJ Nixie (Bxl)
+ vinylmarket with Attila Tralala, Rebel Up, Uncollect & more
+ pancake tarot

18-21h Plat du jour veggie

from 20h concerts:
MOTT FLYF (lovesongs & toys)
DIANA SELFISH (experimental punk)

FB event or website
@ Tenace
Quai des Matériaux
(next to the grass field of Zinzinerie/ Allee du Kaai)